Monday, January 28, 2013

Double Dip Recession - What's On the Cards for Unisa?

The economic forecast appears bleak. It seems quite likely that the world is heading into a double-dip recession or even a prolonged depression (one only needs to think of  the still largely unresolved Eurozone Crisis). As economics affects just about everything there will inevitably be an effect on Unisa and Unisa students.

Upon preliminary evaluation the effect on enrolments at Unisa may appear to be negative (less money = less spending on everything including Education). This, however, may not be the case. In fact it is possible that the number of enrolments may even increase.

It is an assumption which could possibly be supported by research that, in times of hardship people attribute more value to education. While other services may be cut from an individual’s personal budget, education becomes perceived as even more of an essential. In such times as now people become willing to sacrifice more for their education in the hope that education will ensure future personal financial stability.

Interestingly, an industry which does seem to be doing better in times of economic uncertainty is the cosmetics industry. Apparently people seem to feel a psychological urge to beautify themselves as financial uncertainty looms. Let's hope that this urge will not overpower their desire to educate themselves.

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