Friday, November 4, 2011

The Webistory of Armstrong's Unisa books

Webistory - (noun) the history of a website.

The Armstrong's Unisa books website began  circa 1998 and it  managed to slow time remaining the same for around 6 Years.

Even though the Armstrong's Unisa Books site was created in 98 it was ahead of its time  because  in  2072  luminous green on black will be the most popular scheme on the web. 
 2004 - 2009 
In 2004 a funky luminous green block was added making  Armstrong's a leader in company web design.

For the years 2004 - 2009 the Armstrong's Unisa books website continued  its age  defying   constancy  - remaining unchanged. 
In 2009 Armstrong's began selling Unisa books through it's website. While modern functionality was added the sites design seemed to go back to the early 90's. 

December 2011 

New Armstrong's Website coming soon. 

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  1. I think the 2009-2011 design is pretty dated. I hope your new site takes Armstrong's online presence out of the 90's !

  2. Who is the really skinny girl on the 2009 site? The use of such images promotes eating disorders.
