Advertising - Reach 8000 Unisa students per month

Half of all Advertising is Wasted

U.S department store mogul John Wanamaker once said, “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half.” . Having that sinking feeling that your advertising campaign is not providing a substantial return on investment is especially worrying for small business owners.

Hunt with a sniper rifle not a shotgun

Sometimes a shotgun approach which fires your advertising message through the mass media is the best choice. This method of advertising assumes that if you spray your message wide enough somebody (hopefully a lot of somebodies) will take action and choose to engage with your business. With a limited advertising budget this “Shotgun” approach is both difficult and dangerous.

 By contrast attacking the task of spreading your message to potential customers is so much easier when using the advertising equivalent of a sniper rifle with telescopic sites – allowing you to precisely target your potential customers.

How can your potential customers be accurately targeted?

By advertising in locations (physical or cyber) where there is a high concentration of them.

Who are my potential customers and where can they be found? 

 If you are reading this; and you are the owner or marketer of a small to medium sized business; then the chances are that your potential customers are Unisa students. This means that all places where a high concentration of Unisa students can be found will be perfect places for you to advertise.

Why should you advertise through Armstrong’s Newsletter, Blog, website etc.?

 1. Armstrong’s has an established customer base. By advertising through us our customers (the vast majority of whom are UNISA students) can become your customers.
2. Measurability – if you make use of analytics software (like Google Analytics) on your website then you can track the number of visitors your website receives as a result of advertising with Armstrong’s.
3. Affordability: the niche market that Armstrong’s services (UNISA Students) ensures that your advertising is highly targeted. If you have identified UNISA students as your target market then almost everybody that sees your advertising will be a potential customer.

 Advertising Opportunities for all Budgets: Below is our rate card: 

 What Now? – The 3 steps to Success

1. If you have decided that you would like to advertise through Armstrong’s please send us an email at . Remember to tell us specifically which advertising opportunities you are interested in e.g. Blog, Newsletter, website etc.
2. Once we receive your email we will send you a booking form stating the particulars of your advertising and our banking details.
3. Sign the form and email it back to us.
4. Make payment and send us a proof of payment (via email)
 5. Send us your ad material (either image, copy, poster etc. depending on the advertising option you have chosen.)

 That’s it you’re all set to reach Unisa students and grow your business.