Recommended Non Unisa Prescribed Books

Recommended Non Unisa Prescribed Books. All books recommended have been read by a member of Armstrong's staff. 

1. Dummies Guides:

Don’t let your ego get in the way – there is nothing wrong with admitting you are a dummie as far as a particular subject is concerned. This excellent series of books is published by Wiley & Sons is available from

      Dummies Guides Suggested For Unisa Students

  1. Speed Reading For Dummies
  2. Dummies Guide to Accounting
  3. Dummies Guide to Psychology
  4. Dummies Guide to Economics
  5. Dummies Guide to Business Management

In fact there is probably a dummies guide for just about every subject being studied at Unisa. These guides offer simple explanations to complex matters.

2. Basic Economics – Not Just for UNISA economics students

This book provides practical examples of what economics really is and how it effects everything. This book is available from (e-book) or paperbook or as an E-book through Audible.Com. This book is written by famed African American Economist and Columnist Thomas Sowell.

3. Ultimate Guide to Google Adwords – For Unisa marketing students

This book offers advice on how to optimize your Google adwords campaigns. Google Adwords is probably the greatest innovation in advertising since the advent of television. What makes Google adwords different from all other types of advertising is the fact that its effect can be easily measured. This helps advertisers know how much of their “adspend” is being mis-spent. It is also a must read for any UNISA student with Entrepreneurial ambitions.

4. Mans Search For Meaning – For UNISA psychology students


This is an intriguing study of human nature. It was written by Psychiatrist, Viktor Frankel. It is of special interest to UNISA psychology students. The premise put forth by Frankl that to find meaning in life is a fundamental human need. This Book and Frankl’s work in general was greatly influenced by his experiences in Auschwitz.

5. How To Win Friends & Influence People 


Written by Dale Carnegie, this is probably one of the most popular pop psychology books ever written. The title may seem a little corny but the book is filled with many great insights into human nature. The text has formed the basis of may business related leadership courses over the years. As such it is excellent reading for Unisa Business students and anybody else who would like to win friends and influence people.

6. Kaching 

"kaching" is the sound of making money. The word refers to the the familiar sound of cash registers. This, however, is not a book about cash registers. Rather it is a book about making money online. It is valuable reading for any aspiring internet entrepreneur. The author Joel Comm has been running monetised websites since 1995. The book includes tips on:

* affiliate marketing
* google adwords
* email marketing
* google adsense
* subscription sites
* etc. etc. etc.